What is Hypnotherapy?
As a hypnotherapist I am trained in the art of suggestion. Being in a state of hypnosis is not the same as sleep. We are always learning, changing and adapting to new things, and when you engage the use of active suggestion it becomes a powerful tool to help break habits and negative belief patterns that may have been stopping you from getting what you want in life. As soon as you begin to address the issues I will begin to work on how you see and feel about it - and what you want instead.
What will you experience?
When people visit my Wellington hypnotherapy clinic, I often start the session answering questions about what hypnosis is. This is the best way to explain what you may feel. Many people experience a feeling of heaviness, or you may feel as if you are floating or detached from your body. You will still be aware of the sounds in or out of the room, as everything seems clearer. Whatever you experience, it is a wonderful way to explore the depths of your subconscious mind. When you are in this state you are very aware of your thoughts and feelings, and you will still feel like you are in control. The job of a hypnotherapist is to guide you through a learning experience.
Hypnosis helps you to uncover and understand what motivates you. It also helps you to identify any areas that need to be explored through the power of your imagination (subconscious mind). Your subconscious mind can be very creative, and learning how to use self hypnosis properly can be a very rewarding and powerful tool.
Change your negative patterns into positive and motivating patterns by learning how to be the master of your mind. You experience the power of being open to suggestion (self hypnosis) all throughout the day. For example, when going to sleep, and when waking in the morning before you open your eyes, when day-dreaming and when using your imagination or visualisation. As a hypnotherapist, it is my job to guide you through this positive and relaxed form of therapy, and to teach you how to effectively use your thoughts in that most positive way. But just remember you are always in control.
Advantages of hypnotherapy
Hypnotherapy has a broad application base, it has been used for many years as a tool to help people learn to manage their experiences emotionally. I have found that after over 29 years in my practice as a clinical hypnotherapist that the number of issues clients who have come in seeking help has been broad. I find it is exciting to read about studies that have be done, it continues to validate the work I have been doing over all these years.
I provide clinical hypnotherapy and mindset coaching for people with the following conditions
What is Life Coaching?
Life coaching is a wonderful way of helping you stay on track in different areas of your life. As a clinical hypnotherapist, this has been a role that has naturally evolved, as different people have come in wanting to have ongoing help to achieve goals. As soon as they have achieved those goals, it naturally follows that new goals are then created. Having someone to work through these changes with you can be an effective way to create a life that is balanced, enabling you to stay awake to the opportunities that come to you.
My job has always been to listen to what a person wants, and to assist them in achieving that. If there are emotional blocks that are stopping you from achieving your goals, then I will help you move past that block. When I do life coaching, it is not necessary to use hypnosis, but I do find that is a wonderful way of reinforcing everything and bringing clarity to a situation. Some of my life coaching clients have a coaching session once a month for an hour, and some once a fortnight, depending on how they want to work with me. From time to time I have conducted sessions on the phone, when it has not been possible for them to meet with me in person. I do prefer to work face to face.
What is Hypno-coaching?
This is where I combine both the hypnotherapy, NLP and life coaching tools together to help you to drill down and identify what it is that you really want to achieve and supporting you to make that happen.
What I see people experience
One day I had a lady come in who had no idea that I was a hypnotherapist. She had come in for counselling. When I asked her what she wanted all she said was "I want to feel happy." I asked her to describe what happiness meant for her and she said, "I'm not sure." As we got further into the hour, I helped her to further define what happiness would feel like, sound like, look like. I could feel that she was beginning to get a clearer idea about what she needed, but knew that she needed help to believe that she could be happy. So I said to her, "Have you ever considered using hypnosis? Because that is one of the tools that I use." She said no, so I explained what it is and she agreed to give it a try. At the end of the session I asked her how she felt. She said "that's really weird, I can't stop smiling." I knew at that moment that, within that session, something had changed that would help her to achieve the happiness within her life that she wanted.
I use hypnosis because it works. It's that simple. I have seen so many people change, and it is the most rewarding part of my job. If you have found yourself on this website, maybe this is your turn to try hypnosis in your life. I am happy to answer any questions you may have. You can email me or phone and I will get back to you. I have been working as a hypnotherapist in Wellington for over 29 years. Over this time I have seen many of my clients benefit with how they think about what they want to achieve, and begin on their journey, using hypnosis, that transforms their lives. Whether it is to stop smoking, lose weight, get over a phobia or just feel more confident, hypnotherapy is a fantastic tool.
I have also completed a 200 hour Yoga Teaching Training and offer support for people who would like to approach their health in a more holistic way incorporating yoga.
Life is full of new opportunities take that step forward and fill your future with happiness and joy.